"As a member...
we have the advantage of getting the hottest items fresh off the press."
"I've not seen any other expert lay out with such integrity with such force, with such practical experience as I had in this event."
"I was able to take what he was saying to help me coach my clients... because of that, I'm able to just become a better coach with my clients."
"It's something that will change not only your business, but your personal life, just based on some of the people and just some of the ideas that you'll get"
"One big takeaway from this week is it's not just what you know, it's who you know. Sometimes we get stuck on the how, but really the answer is the who."
"Don't be afraid to come. You're not gonna regret it. You will make connections and family and friends that you normally wouldn't have had."
"If you're looking for a small group of people where you'll actually get a lot of information, but... you don't have to do all the thinking for yourself. This is the place to be."
"It's worth every single dollar and every single second because I not only get my mind blown with the strategies and ideas and tactics that people are sharing,
but also I get the inspiration the courage that I look for"
"This is not just a motivation event. This is a real money making event where he's gonna help you scale your business by actually looking at the tactics he's using that are working right now in real time"
"The ultimate resource of you to connect with like-minded individuals from different industries that are absolute experts
at what they do."
"My biggest takeaway from this event has been, how to grow, where to invest money, where to spend time and how to get less bogged down with the daily stuff that's keeping me from achieving my goals."
"I realized was that no matter
what level of business you're at, you're gonna get something at this event because it's so customized to wherever you are
in the journey."
"Just be ready to take in a lot of information, like take it all in, stay all the way. Don't miss any parts of it. Take in all of it because it's a great experience."
"I've been stuck or bouncing around in the one to 3 million, not breaking through the 3 million annual revenue mark. And I feel like I'm walking away with an action plan that is going to get me to that within the next 12 months."
"I've learned things I can apply in my marketing, my funnels, my everyday sales, just tons of stuff. I've been to a lot of paid events... for a free event, this almost out-competed all of that stuff.'"
"It's important to be in these rooms and it's important to invest in yourself... You're gonna get massive takeaways. You're gonna get breakthroughs, you're gonna get clarity on the challenges you're facing in your business..."
"Putting myself into a room full of people and being challenged with having conversations that I might not normally have... it really put me outside of
my comfort zone, and I highly suggest
that you do the same..."
"I've had three conversations that's
probably going to lead to 30 or 40
grand in business deals just from mulling around and talking to folks..."
"If you're considering the event, understand that this is not something that salesy or pitch you or low quality. This is a high caliber event that would be worth thousands if you were actually paying for a ticket..."
"When I came to the Lurn Center, you're walking in the door. You can just feel the energy. It's just so different from any other atmosphere... Come with a clean slate. Get your pen, your paper. Be ready to
take notes..."
"The ability to scale my business to 10 million plus a year, these are people that are doing 30 million a year... they've already been there, they've done that. So they can show the roadmap..."
"It's been an incredible experience. It's all about content. It's all about serving us. That's unusual! ... The team that he has around him are really supportive, and they give, give, give..."
"I don't think there's just one takeaway.
I think there's 30 takeaways. One of the biggest goals that we have is just to really scale the top line of our revenue. I think just some of the stuff that we've learned yesterday and today..."
"First off, I just wanna say that the presenters were amazing... the people that I spoke to here that I didn't even know, and the value that they offered just in casual conversation was outstanding..."
"I'm so glad and so thankful that I came.
I'm telling you, the relationships that I established here are really going to
level up the things that I'm doing in my business right now..."
"One of the biggest reasons for us to
come was to learn how to launch our program in the real estate space. Just the connections that we made and people who are gonna hold my hand in that process and the JVs that we've put together
since to help us..."
"I would definitely say come to an
Expert Summit event... just the network
and the people that you get to meet here, you making connections for life, connections that can build your business. And then plus, you're listening to people who are
doing it right..."
"The value that you're gonna be able to
get is like, they should charge for this. I'm not even joking. They need to charge money for the value that you're gonna get with this... The cool thing about this event is we are all here to serve each other and help
each other..."
"This is not a mastermind, it's not
an event like none other that you think of where it's just a bunch of people talking and pitching... This was like one of a kind, met some very smart people, met some people that I could potentially partner
with in the future..."
"Everything is mind boggling and
absolutely gobsmacking. I didn't really have a grasp of how vital a great funnel could be, and it just basically taught me that my dream year is just a great funnel away... You gotta come to Expert Summit. It is just incredibly eye-opening..."
"Marketing is not a mystery. It's not magic. You can learn how to do it well, and you can find the right people to give you advice and to achieve incredible results in a short time span... Coming here has given me the tools necessary to accomplish that..."
"I thought this was going to be okay. It's a free event. Can't be that great... I didn't know it'd be this caliber. This was mastermind level quality at a free event price... From the moment you walk in to all the sessions to the team, everything is done at a high level..."
"I didn't make the last Expert Summit because I was a bit skeptical, but some friends encouraged me to come, so I flew all the way across the country. I spent 12 hours on a plane and got more value out of it in the first two hours than I spent on the
plane ticket..."
"I'm from the United Kingdom, and I've come all the way across the water for this event and oh my goodness, is so worth coming to! ... everything I've taken from today is actionable... The systems and the strategies that were introduced by Anik and by Joe were just absolutely stunning..."
"I thought, hmmmm "free event",
What is this gonna be? Just a giant pitch fest? I was actually expecting it from day one and that's actually not the case... Information comes at you really quickly. But it's really good, really solid actionable information, which is not usually normal for something like this!"
"At this one event, I will probably
generate more revenue from the
contacts and the potential deals from this event that I've made in my entire career as a marketer. And I've been marketing
since at least 1994..."
"When you're there in that room with everybody, it's very hard not to be inspired and to be encouraged to take your business to the next level... being surrounded by like-minded individuals that have a, a ton of experience that I can tap into has been extraordinary..."
"There's fresh ideas, there's all
kinds of synergies happening, there's networking, there's collaboration, there's joint ventures... amazing opportunities to meet with new people..."
"Next to the community is the focus
that I'm getting. So by having this professional elite, uh, you know, elevated group of people and resources to be around, I find I'm like wasting less time and energy on things that don't need to be in my wheelhouse right now..."
"I loved the mini mastermind format because it was a smaller group environment for us to give presentations for each other, but without the traditional buildup and background and story that we're used to seeing in larger audience type of presentations..."
"The connections I'm forging and the learning that's happening from them or the ideas that I'm getting and the most of it is inspiration. Seeing people do the kind of things I thought like I could never do..."
"This event is a no-brainer. The level of people at these is unparalleled. The people in the room, the deals you’ll make, the information you’ll learn - you gotta go..."
"My #1 takeaway was getting an
inside look at the culture of Lurn at this
event and the power of networking with other experts... "
"Even after the first day, I already have clarity about my plan when I get home. I already know what I'm going to start implementing..."
"Sometimes you just meet people
and you know you're going to like them. That's happened so many times
at this event!"
"Anik knows exactly where I'm coming from and how I need to get to where I'm heading next. If you want to scale a business, these are the people you need to be with..."
"Every session here is amazing. The education about funnels in particular has been just next level. I didn't realize how much I didn't know before coming here..."
"Just after day 1, Anik's first session
gave me some really valuable
information to help me get my business where I want it to be..."
"I was feeling stuck in my business.
The very first session here I realized there
are so many things I can do to achieve
what we want..."
"There was so much amazing
content in this event. In the first day my
fear of this being a pitch fest was
totally gone..."
"Learning from high-level entrepreneurs who are actually in the trenches doing the work has just been amazing. The amount of wisdom in that room is better than any event I've ever been in..."
"I had the opportunity to have a private lunch with Anik and I found the missing link to my company that I'd been searching for..."
"All the expertise in the room, and with everyone sharing, has been incredible. You're around amazing peolpe doing amazing things..."
"This summit has been absolutely incredible. There are so many people here that can help us scale our business..."
"From the moment I got here it's been amazing. So many great people, tons to learn, and a really positive enviornment
to be around..."
"There are so many tactics I can use
in my own business and so many that I can use for my clients too..."
"I'm looking to grow and scale my business and I have definitely met a lot of people here who can help me do that..."
"I'm in a room with people who have already been through what I'm doing and being able to pick their brains has been amazing..."
"I've paid 10s of thousands of dollars to go to other events and I would say this one is jam-packed with high-caliber people..."
"I wasn't convinced at first, but coming to the summit was definitely the right decision..."
"I would definitely recommend anyone
who qualifies to make it to this event.
This has been non-stop value and I'm extremely impressed..."
"In the first day alone I've already
learned a ton about growing and
scaling my business..."
"I'm so happy that I travelled all the way here to learn and join the event. I can already envision the growth path that I'm on..."
"I've learned how to be a better entrepreneur. How to serve more people. And how to run a better business!"
"The room matters. Being in a room with all these experts who know what they're doing and want to help each other has been very special..."
"If you're a high-level person, doing
high-level things and you want to be
around other high-level people, this is
the place to be..."
"In the first hour of the first day I took away as much value as I needed. It’s a no-brainer, Anik will deliver."
"Just with the connections I’ve made, in addition to the knowledge being dropped by Anik and the panelists, it’s hard to quantify just how much impact this can have on my business..."
"I’ve been to lots & lots of events in the
past 25 years, & this is absolutely one of the top level events I’ve ever attended. I love what Anik is teaching us, he’s really
opening his playbook..."
"If you’re on the fence about coming, don’t waste your time. Don’t miss the opportunity to surround yourself with the right kind of people & information to scale your business to the next level..."
"It’s incredible that Anik opens the
doors to his business, pulls back the curtain, and shares everything. Coming to The Expert Summit is one of the best decisions I’ve made in a long time."